Rest is Resistance: A landmark book about disrupting capitalism and reimagining our world
It addresses rest way beyond the act of relaxing.
It’s a book about social justice, black liberation and healing for all.
It's a seminal work on dismantling the grind work culture that expects us to work endless hours.
Tricia emphasises that rest is not a luxury or privilege like the dominant culture makes us believe.
Rest she says is a divine right and a human right.
“Rest is as natural as breathing and waking up. Rest is part of our nature.”
She invites us to disrupt capitalism and white supremacy via rest.
She opens our eyes to show how “everything that has been told to us about rest, labor, sleep, leisure, and care has been a lie.”
She calls us to release the shame that we feel when resting, stating that shame does not belong to us.
She encourages us to reimagine rest which is more than taking naps. Rest is also not about not working.
She lists 20 things that rest can be from daydreaming to taking a long warm bath to laughing intensely.
The insights in this book have been a guiding light to help me stand tall in capitalist culture while challenging its ways. This book has inspired me to subvert “a system that has no pause button.”
It's still a growth edge for me and this work shows a pathway.
Tricia Hersey pertinently says “I believe the powers that be don’t want us rested because they know that if we rest enough, we are going to figure out what is really happening and overturn the entire system. And the system doesn’t want that. It would crumple under the weight of this power.”
“When I say sleep helps you wake up — it helps you wake up to the truth of who and what you are.”
The story of the American maroons was incredibly inspiring and the best part about the book.
The maroons' subversion of the mainstream exploitative culture has inspired me.
It's motivated me to play outside the system to dethrone systemic ways that don’t work for me.
Tricia Hersey’s book has inspired me to daydream, rest and reimagine.
To log out of the cult of busyness, urgency and productivity. (still learning!).
To sink into the guidance of intuitive intelligence that I have access to when I rest. It’s helped me see through the lie of capitalism and allows me to rest in the truth that I’m enough.
I sincerely hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I did.